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HTAEW website.

Year |
Make / Model |
Price |
2007 |
INTERNATIONAL-WORKSTAR 7400 at HeavyTruckDealers.com |
$34,900 USD |
Date Listed |
7/22/2021 2:10:25 PM |
Listing Number |
11831263 |
Serial # |
Not Specified |
Quantity |
1 |
Location |
ND |
Color |
Orange |
Mileage |
70162 |
ECM Mileage |
Not Specified |
Engine Make |
Engine Model |
Horsepower |
Not Specified |
Transmission Type |
Automatic |
Rear End |
Not Specified |
Ratio |
Not Specified |
Jake Brake |
No |
Exhaust |
Vertical |
Roof Fairing |
No |
Side Fairing |
No |
Interior |
Not Specified |
A/S Fifth Wheel |
Body Type |
Not Specified |
Cab Style |
Conventional |
Sleeper Type |
None |
Sleeper Style |
None |
Sleeper Length |
None |
Suspension |
Not Specified |
Wheelbase |
Not Specified |
Wheel to Wheel |
None |
External Breather |
None |
Tire Size |
Not Specified |
Wheels |
Other |
Condition |
Used |
Talk To 'Em: |
Just in time for Winter, Repainted with Corrosion resistant paint, This truck has been through the shop for a thorough inspection. It is a Sander/Plow truck. In Excellent condition. |
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